La vida, maravilloso ropecabezas

¿Alguna vez les pasó que están armando un rompecabezas y se entreveran con la posición que debería ocupar cada una? Y, si igual encajan de algún modo, ¿el efecto no es sorprendente? Bueno… a veces, la vida es así. Las piezas encajadas en donde no se suponía que iban, pero… ¡qué sorpresas que depara el largo camino de ir encontrándoles su lugar!

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Have you ever had a puzzle that you didn’t know how to do just because of the messed up pieces everywhere and yet you still try and slowly that deformed puzzle start to take shape and after a while that shape turns into a beautiful picture

Same is life in the beginning it seems hard to us as we don’t know what we are gonna do with ourselves yet we keep on moving getting old and slowly our life starts to take shape and we end up in a path we never would have thought at the beginning

So even if you think that life is hard don’t stress it’s the most difficult puzzles that have the greatest treasure in the end


#life #puzzles

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